Gov. Demetrio Larena Faith and Family Heritage ( A STORY OF THE Pioneer Protestant family

Faith and Family Heritage ( A STORY OF THE Pioneer Protestant family ) 1908-2008 Centennial first Protestant family Negros Island

A celebration of life and wonderful journey of the larena with nobleman by the name of Governor Demetrio Larena y de Sandes.During the Philippine Revolution the family were forced to transfer from Catholicism to Alipayan Religion in 1898.The new beginning started with the American Occupation, it was on October 1899,when it was considered safe enough for an civilian to travel outside Manila.The Hibbards made exploration trip to the whole Visayas and Mindanao,to find a suitable place to put up the first Presbyterian Protestant school.In his stopover in Cebu,there was a suggestion for him to proceed to Dumaguete in nearby Negros Island. After a busy schedule Pres. Larena had a short vacation in Bais and was invited at the Hacienda Canlargo of Don Emilio Abilla y Teves hosted the " Sipong " Post harvest festival of the Sugar Plantation in 1899,where he met for the second time his future wife Josefina Villacampa Rubio the sister of Don Romualdo Somoza a sugar planter and political elite,the sister in law of Don Juan Saavedra.The most celebrated wedding in Bais on Dec 23,1900 at Casa Rubio with prominent leaders of Negros Oriental with Capt.John Anthony Randolf an american chaplian of the U.S. Army was the officiating pastor.On May 1899 Randolph was stationed in Negros.He was one of the few American friend of the Larena family.
The Arrival of the Hibbards
Gov. Larena and Capt.RANDOLPH met the American Missionaries Dr.David & Mrs Laura Hibbards upon their arrival in Dumaguete,together with the town Mayor Meliton Larena,Rev.Leon Hills,Doña Josefina Rubio-Larena,,Hermenigildo and Asucion Larena-VIllanueva,Juan & Carmen Rubio- Saavedra,Mariano & Aurora Pastor-Larena and Doña Angelica Larena.A banca which brought them to the nearby shores,a group of men carried them to the beachfront, a small town band from taclobo played gospel and Spanish songs.Mrs Larena brought white santan flowers and gave it the Hibbards.Rev.Randolph introduced them to the whole larena family and the people of Negros Oriental. The first Breakfast of the Hibbards The first breakfast with the American couple was held at the Larena Residence along Calle Marina ( now Jose Rizal Ave ). The breakfast was a combination of Filipino and Spanish dishes with native chocolate and prepared by the Cocineras of Hda. Katacgahan Bais a farm owned by the Rubio/Somoza Hermanas,for a while they were staying at the house of the larenas for a year as guests.This brought about the beginning of a very close & lasting friendship between the Larenas,the Hibbards and Silliman community. It must have taken all the strength of guiding the Province through its infant years under his astute and forward administration the province grew in strength which prepared the people well to meet the change of the modern world with the Americans and the missionaries.Demetrio Larena and his son in law Sen.Bindoy Teves-Villanueva were the two most responsible for the location in Dumaguete of what is now Silliman University.The two able to persuaded the Presbyterian missionaries to put up their school here in Dumaguete for the people at that time really need to have a good and proper education to cope up with the drastic change of life under the new system.
First Christmas Tree
When the Rubio Sisters invited Mrs.Laura C. Hibbard in Nov. 29,1901 in Bais for a community service and teaching the children of the sugar workers in gospel songs and short stories, she noticed that most of the houses were not decorated that were no symbol for the christmas seasons.Lunch time at the big house of Casa Rubio,she suggested to Pinang Larena to put up a christmas tree after returned to Dumaguete,she asked the local people were they can get a pine tree.It was the near by Luzuriaga( now the town of Valencia )they got the Pine tree brought it to Bais this is the first Christmas with the Larena,Rubio,Somoza family together with Presbyterian Missionaries.The christmas tree was the symbol of peace and the joy of the seasons,the following years our family volunteer to set up the first Christmas tree in Silliman of the day before Christmas eve of 1902.

1902Closing Exercises

Graduation season of the first school year were held on March 3,1902 Governor Larena took part in the program and worship service expressing the hope that a religion characterized by a vision such as that of Dr .Hibbard would reach the outer most parts of the islands. The Foundation of Faith An unorganized evangelical congregation existed in Silliman Campus as early as 1903,and not long these was gathered a similar congregation and the town people,the member of which inaugurated a chapel in 1906.Two years later,Governor Larena,his board secretaryJuan Montenegro ( Brother in law )Provincial Assessor Ramon Cuadra and several other government officials were baptized at the hands of Pastor David Hibbard together with the students of Silliman joined the congregation. In 1910 Larena became the first member of the board of trustees of Silliman Institute together with other respected citizens,Dr. George W.Dumlap,Dr. David Hibbard,Charles Glunz,Dr. Henry W.Langhain,Rev.Frederick Jansen and Dr. James Rodgers,served as one of the first congregation elder both for Silliman and Dumaguete Evangelical Church.

Great Recognition and Death of Larena

Larena died on December 4,1916,having gone to Iloilo for treatment at the hands of his old friend,Dr.Andrew Hall a doctor and a Presbyterian Missionaries during his last days of his illness Doña Pinang Larena found her husband reading the bible which Dr. Hall had once gave him to him.He Knett and prayed to God for forgiveness and reception into his glory" Dos Padre Nuestro Que Estas un cieloperdona todos mis plecados y receibe me alma tu Gloria Amen ". When the news reached New York City ,Dr. Arthur Brown rendered to the next meting of the board of foreign missions an account of the life and character of the former Governor.His own memories of the visit during 1901 were supplemented by the Silliman Truth for December 1912.A letter of condolence written to the family expressing deep sympathy was also received from President Hibbard.We share the high opinion of all members of the cause of christ in general and for the memory of his high christian character and his influence for good. After his death a lot near the Plaza of Bais donated by his wife in his memory the presented UCCP Bais Church last Aug 30,2009 the church celebreted the 100th anniversary centennial.Mr Charles Glunz one of the meetings of the Board voice out of a road in campus will be nameafter him.In 1941 a branch of Langhain Road which had just bee opened towards the campus ,givened the name of "Larena ST."When the new dormities for men was built in 1953-1954 a better memorial was effected by christening one of the main unit " Larena Hall". Demetrio Larena was a Heritage and Faith Builders believing that God is always guiding him to service,love and to share the good advantages of life and the welfare to his follow men.

I would like to thanks the following people who wrote and research on the life and story of the late Governor Demetrio Larena.The late Dr. Arthur Brown,Dr ArthurCarson,Dr. Andrew Hall and Negros Historian Josefa Villanueva-Perez their write up helped me a lot in making this heritage story of a pioneer protestant family Mr. Penn T. Larena story teller
