Dr. Andrew Hall A American Doctor in Bais & Dumaguete

Dr. and Mrs.Joseph Andrew Hall was born in Canada graduating from Matittoba College in 1893 and from Manitoba Medical College three years later this preparation was followed in 1907 by special study in New York City. On December 18,1899. Dr. Hall was married to Miss Jean Russell. Mrs.Hall had completed the course at Manitoba College in 1896,after which she took work at the Monitoba Provincial College. Her interest in schools and her skill as a teacher marked her missionary carrer wherever she went. They began work at Iloilo in 1900, founding the first hospital of the American regime and in 1906 adding the first nurses traning school in the Island. Dr.Hall was also responsible for the organization of two private schools, Leon Institute and Culasi Institute. The role of Dr. Hall in the founding of Silliman Institute the aid rendered by Mrs.Hall in teaching and their joint service to the hospital and the school here in Dumaguete in 1919-21 have already receieved description. For practically his entire term of service, Dr.Hall remained a member of the Silliman Board of Trustees.

Dr.Hall was qualified for both medical and evangelistic work, having received ordination into the Presbyterian ministry. After the Iloilo Station was turned over to the Baptist Mission in 1925, Dr. and Mrs. Hall moved to Tacloban in Leyte, where he took charge of the Bethany Hospital. The mission annals of 1936 called attention to the exceptional linquistic ability of Mrs.Hall, who had become proficient in the three main Visayas dialects, making a large contribution to the translation of the Bible into the vernacular of Leyte and Samar.

The three children of Dr. and Mrs.Hall are Marjorie, Jean L and Joseph Andrew Jr. after retirement the parents took up residence in Pasadena, where Dr.Hall was active for inneteen years as associate minister of the West minister Prebyterian Church.
He died on January 14, 1960 at the age of ninety two.

Rev.Taylor Dunlap and Lorena Dunlap and Troy Organ John Anthong Randolph-shiloh, Tennessee, Rev.Leon C. Hills. D.D
