On the southernmost part of Negros Occidental province, the municipality of Hinoba-ancan be found, near seaside situated along with lots of resorts welcoming people upon entering the  town  on  the  south.  Hinoba-an is surrounded  with  schools  which  highlighted  the  historical monument of Rizal situated at one of the town's schools named Luis C. Tembrevilla Elementary School ( LCTES). At the opening of the school's main gate Rizal monument welcomed thousands of people from the children going to school everyday, parents to faculty and staff on duty and even people passing by can vividly seethe monument as it's located at the side of the national highway on the left part going to Bacolod City. On  the  late  1900's,  the  monument  of  Dr.  Jose  Rizal  was  built  during  the  time  the  late Mayor Joaquin Bilbao served as the town's mayor. Ever since  it was built  it remained on stand inside  the LCTES  premises. A person behind Rizal’s monument establishment wasnot  exactly known but most of people hinted that Bilbao's relatives were the one who donated it. The  monument  was  somehow  different  from  other  monuments  built  around  the countries  usually  seen  at  Rizal's  Park.


 As  the  structure, was  just  showing  his  face  on the  upper part  of  the  body.  The  story  behind  this mysteryofRizal’shalf  body  monument  was  said  that they  don't  have  enough  fund  or  money  that  time  it  was  built.  However,  the  monument remained until now as a newly built monument standing there strong and high with Rizal's face facing  people  with  pride  at  the  front  of  the  school's  principal's  office  and  beside  the  district office of Hinoba-an. Above all, Rizal's monument  has an everlasting facades with the Hinoban-on  people  who  taken  care  off  well  and  look  after  the  monument  ensuring  that  it  was maintained clean by always repainting it and beautifying its surroundings. After all these years,the memories of Rizal remained at the heart of Hinoban-on as it is been  on  the  school's vicinity accompanying  the  child  and  parents  as  well  to  their every day’slife longl earning.


Sources of information:Mr. ArnoldLazalita (Physical Education Teacher andSchool Property Custodian)
